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We as the Moon Dynasty use cookies to make the site work as it does. Optimal. By making use of our service(s) you also confirm you comply with our company policies and terms and conditions.
We as Moon Dynasty strive toward giving our customers the best experience for as far is realistically possible for us. When something unfortunate does occur we will try to align something agreed upon by any party involved. We recommend you reach out to us at [email protected].
Occasionally we are unable to establish solutions by ourselves therefore we offer a third-party method as an alternative just in case. Following this paragraph you will find a section dedicated to the "WebWinkelKeur Dispute Support" hub through which you are able to involve said third-party given the need to do so arises.
It is recommended that you first report complaints to WebWinkelKeur by emailing [email protected]. If this does not lead to a solution, it is possible to register your dispute for mediation through them via the link below.